Farm Visits
From April through October apprentices from all participating farms gather at one farm for a visit and/or workshop. There are 11 visits over the season on Monday afternoons. Each visit includes an overview of the farm as well as a hands-on demonstration of one or two specific topics. Mid-season one of the farms hosts a mid-summer party and social. At the end of the season there is a final meeting to discuss possible next steps to help apprentices get closer to farming on their own.
We hope to:
Give a broader experience to interns than they can receive on their farm alone.
Provide a peer base to help interns connect with others who share similar goals.
Increase the skill base in sustainable agriculture.
Here is a list of subjects we hope to cover with our students during the farm visits:
greenhouse/season extension
mechanics and equipment safety
soil health
small scale/start up
horse power
cover crops
mechanical cultivation
seeds and genetics
integrating crops and livestock
business management
whole farm systems
small grains